Welcome to the beta version of EOTEC DevNet’s tool tracking capacity building resources for flooding!

What is the purpose of this Tracker?

A broad range of Earth Observation tools and models exist to help with global flood forecasting, monitoring and impact assessment, each with unique inputs and capabilities. This variety can make it challenging for potential users (i.e.humanitarian and government agencies) to choose the optimal tool to prepare for, mitigate, and manage responses to specific flood events without a clear way to discern between tools or understand the options available. Once they identify the right tools, they often need training and capacity building support to be able to use those tools most effectively, which can be another barrier to use.

To address this challenge, EOTEC DevNet  has launched a tracker to help users find the right flood tools and associated capacity building resources best suited for their needs. The tracker enables filtering flood tools based on the disaster risk response stage (forecasting, response, risk assessment), tool category (flood depth mapping, flood extent mapping, flood modeling), geographic domain (global, regional, local) and their operational status (operational or in development). The tracker’s searchable database currently contains dozens of tools and capacity building resources and will be further expanded and refined in collaboration with regional experts.

How to use this Tracker?

Please use the menu items on the top right side of your screen to navigate to either Tools or Capacity Development Resources sections.
In the Tools section, please use the available filtering options to narrow down the list to the most relevant options. Feel free to use either a map feature that uses information about tool's self-reported applicability for a particular country, or a more advanced filter that can show the tools based on other criteria. Filtering is also available for the Capacity Development Resources section.
A detailed walk-through of all the features is available in this recording of the Flood Tracker Demo webinar.

Use Cases

Drawing on five analyses of regional flooding events, the summary document provides insight on the use of flood extent tools before, during, and after a crisis. Its purpose is to support flood managers and responders in understanding the use of tools and datasets in various circumstances, with attention to Earth observation-related (EO) tools, particularly.  Learn more HERE.


How can I help this effort?

• Do you know of a helpful flooding tool not currently included in the tracker? Please submit a request to have it added.
• Don't see a great capacity building or training resource featured on the site yet? Please submit a request to have it added.
• Do you have feedback on how the Floods Toolkit could be further improved? Please share it by using this questionnaire or email us at EOTECDevNet@gmail.com 
NASA Earth Observatory image by Joshua Stevens, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey
NASA Earth Observatory image by Joshua Stevens, using Landsat data from the U.S. Geological Survey

About EOTEC DevNet

EOTEC DevNet, the Earth Observation, Training, Education and Capacity Development Network, is a joint effort of CEOS, GEO, WMO, UNOOSA and CGMS that seeks to bring the power of satellite-derived Earth information to more users around the globe by improving coordination and collaboration among capacity building providers. Regional communities of practice (Africa, Americas, Asia-Oceania, and Europe), are currently scaling up. They will drive EOTEC DevNet’s work. The communities of practice consist of task teams, which manage the work, and thematic working groups, which provide technical inputs.
EOTEC DevNet Logo
Visit www.ceos.org/eotec for detailed information.